“We often find our guests stuck at a crossroads, or hurt by the number of brick walls they have hit, or maybe just bemused by a section of the business about which they are totally unfamiliar.” Chris Grady
Our one-hour CGO surgeries offer a focussed one-on-one coaching session that lets you stop and reflect on your personal and professional direction.

We will work with you to target aspects of your current job, creativity, or personal position and determine small actions that you can undertake to make significant changes in your life.
CGO surgeries are open to people working in any field – whether you’re a top business consultant, an artist or a full-time child carer, we will reflect on your current position and build plans to move you in the direction you want to take.
CGO surgeries are offered on a pay what you can basis and are held around London’s South Bank. Sessions are also held in Manchester, Colchester, York, Darlington and Edinburgh.
“It’s rare to find someone who makes listening into an art form. Immediately from my first session with Chris Grady I felt heard, understood and guided to become more effective, creative and happy in my life, my art, and my professional work.” SU / Social Enterprise
For dates – see CGO Events
To Book for Oct 2024-Feb 2025 – Visit this doodle
To invite us to run CGO Surgeries in your area, or as part of your regular programme please contact Chris Grady direct.