Course Content

The DipCP is comprised of six modules. Each module is designed to guide you through a specific aspect of the industry. Together, they provide a comprehensive deep dive into the industry, best practice, and forward-thinking methodologies. 

The DipCP begins by exploring the UK theatre industry and setting into context with the international industries, and parallel sectors (the cultural and arts ‘ecology’). The aim this is for each individual to understand their creativity, and consider what you bring to your artform, region, country, community, and audience. CGO also asks its students to consider their working style, and look at how to build a creative team around this. 

The DipCP then introduces the cohort to the range of producing roles, practices and approaches across the individuals. From Fringe to West End, the DipCP explores every aspect of the sector. Our focus is on harnessing each individual’s creativity 

Budgeting and Finance is a key aspect of any producer’s work. Each individual will come away from the course with a clear understanding of income and expenditure, including cashflow, budget building and guidance into the complexities of the different funding streams for profit and not-for-profit companies. 

The course goes on to explore Marketing, Fundraising and Development in more depth, with a focus on community and audience engagement. The cohort will also be introduced to a variety of legal and organisational structures used in the Theatre sector, as well as contracts and copyright. 

CGO hope that by the end of the course, each producer will have a clear understanding of how to prioritise their own personal wellness and a creative toolkit they can use when approaching new projects. 

CGO will work with the cohort to build a resource bank of sample contracts, templates, news and research to aid your learning. 

If you would like a more in-depth look at the module guide, please email Chris here.

Please note that the course flexes in tandem with the needs of each cohort. CGO aims to offer a bespoke course that focusses on the specialisms and interests of each individual. Modules are also offered in accordance with Faculty availability. 

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