Producers’ Persona

Welcome to Producers’ Personaa searchable database of producers for producers.

Persona is designed to enable producers to collaborate, share ideas, time, talent and maybe even treasure. It is designed to help programmers reach out to producers, and vice versa. And it is designed to develop trans national connections. Launched in June 2024 for beta testing, this is a new initiative building on the various networks for producers such as the CGO managed in-person Producers’ Pool and the Facebook UK Theatre Producers. It welcomes producers and programmers of other people’s work.  

If you are a producer or programmer of other people’s work, go to complete the Joining form which can then be extended as your Profile.  After approval you are free to make connections. It is free to join for at least the first year.

This database is for producers and programmers. It is not open to writers, directors, actors or other practitioners unless they are also producers of other people’s work.  You can be a SPA (self producing artist) provided you are also a producer or programmer of other people’s work.  We welcome producers not based in the UK who have an interest in connecting with UK producers and programmers.

Here are just 7 examples of questions which Producer’s Persona might be able to help with when fully populated with the producers and programmers in our theatre and creative industries:

Who else has an interest in creating Queer work?

Who programmes work in the West Country?

Who is based in Newcastle with 5-10 years of experience who might mentor me?

Who might be eager to attend my new project sharing in Glasgow?

Who has a permanent base in Edinburgh and can provide me with good EdFringe advice?

Who do I know with connections in Indonesia ?

Who might be able to offer rehearsal space for the development of my project in Belfast ?

Chris Grady.Org Development Ltd with Verndale Systems are building a searchable site to match the needs of the industry. In time there may be premium paid opportunities and the chance to advertise projects, but for now it is way to connect with others across the UK and beyond.