A weekend of CGO Surgeries and CGO Panel discussions, the Fringe Promoters breakfast plus a few shows. I have met too many people to namecheck. It was a pleasure to explore the Festival with my emerging producers Bridget Hanley and Sarah Crompton and to answer questions covering UK touring, funding, marketing, organizational co-productions, Venezuala UK links, Japan company visits to the UK, Taiwanese Festivals, US arts management training, solo performer festivals and touring in the US, the Dutch fringe and touring scene, and the creation of art throughout the year outwith festival time in Edinburgh. Enough material for a 2nd book – but first I have the launch of “Your Life in Theatre” today.
A couple of high recommendations for shows to see – Human Zoo Theatre Company’s Edinburgh debut apocalyptic total theatre piece “The Hives”, playing at Jack Dome 12.10. http://www.thehumanzootheatrecompany.co.uk/
And then an emotional rollercoaster and very personal story “Naked in Alaska” – the pain and success of a pole and lapdancer who is acclaimed because see the innocence in her clients This statement resonates for us as an audience as we see into the heart and lifeforce of Valerie Hager through her teenage years, escape to dance, raw treatment by lovers, and eventual escape from this life. I hope this piece will have a long-life and appeal to international festivals. And then that Valerie will tell more stories and offer more powerful performances with other pieces when she has completed this cathartic journey back to the safer spotlit stage. Naked in Alaska plays Downstairs at Assembly Roxy at 19.00 http://www.nakedinalaska.com/
Two quick tips from EdFringe performing companies – remember the “three blocks rule” – walk away from the venue at least three blocks before being rude about a show you may have seen and not enjoyed. No performer wants to hear raw honesty from a disgruntled audience member as they are ending their show. And let me adopt and adapt a lovely moment from the amazing film Boyhood where the young man asks his father for advice in chatting up girls. The same advice is offered when approaching a possible producer or promoter or critic you would love to excite about you and your show. Go up to them, ask a question about themselves, ask another, maybe even ask another. They will be putty in your hand because you are interested in them. It is then more likely that they will be interested in you.
Good luck with Week 2 of this marathon. One more blog and then I’m away out to Belfast for a Youth Music Theatre premiere. Be back in a week for more delights.