A week ago I wrote a blog of Three Sighs below a picture of the Bridge of Sighs in locked down Venice. Today I write an energised celebratory blog under an image of the Edinburgh Festival Fireworks which may not happen this August, but will be back, I feel sure to delight thousands.
After the blog I wrote myself a post-it and pinned it in my diary on Sat 28th – Create Something – as a way to move forward from a disappointed phrase. I didn’t realise that 8 days later I would be on a National Student Drama Festival webinar watched/listened to by 75 people launching the CGO Institute.
People have suggested ideas to me before, and I have various visionary documents filed away but now I’m doing it. On November 2nd 2020 the CGO Institute will start running its first 16 week Diploma in Creative Producing for a cohort of up to 20 participants from Scotland, the UK and around the world.
Within an hour of the webinar I had my first two applications asking for the Assignment they need to undertake prior to interview. That was exciting.
In the last week I have written a budget (and got it checked over by an Associate to ensure it wasn’t full of errors), written 8 pages of website covering everything from course content to wellness concerns (and got that checked and edited in detail by my co-Director), gathered an initial Faculty of 10 specialists working in producing, arts management and charity work based in Singapore, Australia, Saudi and the UK. We are ready now to market the course widely and see who would like to be in the first cohort.
What makes the course special is that the 2 days teaching per week will be cloud-based and so the participants can stay in their own offices/homes to study with us, in their own country. Teaching will be in English but we will also welcome Assignments written in any First Language. We do not believe the best producers in any country have to be post-grad level writers of English. In time we will develop tools to be able to teach bi-lingually or multi-lingually…but one step at a time.
The CGO Institute will, in time, create further Diploma programmes [another is in the thought process now, for a January 2021 launch maybe]. But for now my sighs have been replaced by fireworks – and I hope the sparks and joyful displays will be seen the world over.
My next task is to spread the word. Maybe you could help me with this. Here is a link. Please share it on any social media or networks where you think aspiring Creative Producers may be watching. http://www.chrisgrady.org/cgo-institute-for-creative-producing/
Thanks so much – especially to the Faculty and my co-Directors and Associates of CGO who have shared in the fast paced move from idea to launch in just 8 days.
[…] (Sat 28 March 2020), through launch at the virtual NSDF Conference (Sun 5th April – see blog Launch into the clouds) and onward to the arrival of the first cohort in the cloud on 2nd November 2020. That’s the […]