I have just finished re-reading the amazing work by Nancy Kline “Time To Think” in which she lays out a simple process to ignite the human mind. I have used much of her teaching in my own CGO Surgeries and…
Coaching – Exploring the power of Skype
I am a convert to Skype & Facetime for very personal and private coaching sessions. I was meeting with one of our mentors, Paul Oertel, yesterday as he prepares for the UK Discipline of Freedom courses, and on the same…
Edinburgh Blog 5.5 – Shows I will miss
Each year I leave the festival with a small pile of leaflets for shows I would love to have seen. They are usually linked to people I have met at the Fringe Promoters breakfast or my CGO Surgeries. I will…
Edinburgh 5 – Biscuit jess, York 2015, & Space support
A pleasure this morning to be invited to Space by Karl Bevis to meet companies for a drop in discussion about their shows, their creativity, and the festival – now entering the pain threshold mid-marathon point for some, and the…
Edinburgh 4 – Book Launch, Iceland, Cambridge & Singles
I’m delighted that “Your Life in Theatre” is now out, the Edinburgh Brooke’s Bar croissants have been polished off, a pile of books have sold to creative colleagues and guests to the launch, and I’ve been signing. A lovely way…
Edinburgh 3 – Naked in Alaska, Human Zoo & Top Tips
A weekend of CGO Surgeries and CGO Panel discussions, the Fringe Promoters breakfast plus a few shows. I have met too many people to namecheck. It was a pleasure to explore the Festival with my emerging producers Bridget Hanley and…
Edinburgh Day 2 – From Shakespeare to Straker masterclass
As I prepare for Day 3 with 9 CGO Surgeries throughout today, a quick recap on yesterday and some of the 6 show highlights that I saw. Breakfast with Shakespeare and Three’s Company at C Venues gave me great joy.…
Edinburgh: Same old Moan, Same old Anticipation
EDINBURGH BLOG No 1 2014 Arrived at 3pm – My first day at the largest festival on Earth and it feels like I’ve never been away. I’m here to launch my book “Your Life in Theatre” www.chrisgrady.org/new-self-help-book-from-cgo/, run a sell-out…
Make a Will
This is a quiet plea to all grown-ups out there to help themselves, their relatives and loved ones, and the charities that they might wish to support. Make a Will. Take advice, make it simple, but Make A Will. If…
Hearing Praise – and the privilege for arts workers
My book, “Your Life in Theatre”, is going out to reviewers and well connected people at the moment to gain some testimonials, reviews and feedback. The first review came in at 5am on Saturday morning, just as I was ridding…