Who is the new Director of CGO Institute ?

On 14th March I reflected on a wish to find a Jo or a Sam who might enjoy taking over the ‘goodwill’ of CGO Institute. Do have another read. https://www.chrisgrady.org/blog/what-might-happen-to-cgo-institute-when-i-retire/

I’ve been in London for the last few days and had loads of conversations about the future. Now I want more time to watch “Houses Under The Hammer” or whatever is hot in retirement.  But in the meantime I have rather a lot of projects to deliver and then pass on.

Dear Jo or Sam, can I whet your appetite with some of these:

  • A new 4 day intensive producer course in London especially for producers and programmers of other people’s work.  First dates 13-16th September.
  • A vibrant Faculty and module guide ready to offer a 5th Diploma in Creative Producing on zoom over 16 weeks for producers from around the world.
  • A sleek Essentials of Creative Producing course which can be offered in a 5 week format.
  • Producers’ Pool is now in its 10th year led by CGO from an initial invention by Julie Clare, and it remains a great way for aspiring and inspiring producers to meet each other. Come along on Wed 29th May in London or Mon 5th August in Edinburgh, or join one of the intervening zoom meets.
  • NEW FOR THE INDUSTRY – A searchable database of producers and programmers developed by CGO and Verndale Systems under the brand name Producers’ Persona. It will be ready to populate by July and we hope to have 100+ producers connecting with each other by the end of the year (maybe more). Free to join for the first year at least. This database hopes to be useful to the Producers’ Task Force, UKTheatre Producers (facebook), Admin Monkeys (facebook), StageOne Alum, ITC, FST, UKTheatre and SOLT members, new graduates and old hands across the UK and beyond.
  • Working with KAMS – Korean Arts Management Services – on a programme in London for experienced and early career producers exploring K-Musical and family entertainment. CGO facilitates their visit and chairs many discussions between UK and Korean talent.
  • In recent months we have costed projects for training in Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Brazil.  CGO Institute has a good array of international “goodwill” ready to be harnessed by the next Director.
  • We have in the past established venue hubs at Edinburgh Festival Fringe, created Awards for talent, run training programmes for writers, and established corporate training using arts skills for business confidence.  The new Director will find new ways to develop the programme.
  • And since we started CGO has offered Surgeries for individuals and groups exploring career and project development.

Now would be a wonderful time to find someone interested in taking forward what we have created over the last 17 years of the CGO brand. I have been immensely lucky to have had an amazing array of Associates working with me over the years – each has moved on to build their own careers and continue to give wise counsel to me across the industry and beyond.

So – thanks for reading this Blog. Do consider whether you might be the right person to take some/all of this forward, or maybe you know the perfect person. Help me answer the question “Who is the new Director of CGO Institute”


Chris (Age 65¾)

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