I’m returning to a theme I explored in my blog of 19th January “can’t get a job…make some work” inspired by some of the coaching sessions I’ve had in the last couple of days, and in preparation for the CGO…
Tag: creativity
Open your eyes and your heart – listen to the Universe.
The mind is a strange and wonderful thing and they say we regularly use about 10% of 1% of it for personal growth and development. Pam Lidford’s amazing coaching CD for coaches which I am working through today offers the…
Preparing ourselves for the business year
I am sitting in a peaceful retreat with family on the last few days of a Christmas/New Year gathering. Hiding myself in a corner I am starting my new year business planning, and I thought I’d share my process…in case…
David Cameron “What would his grandmother say ?”
I have been struck this week by realizing that I am becoming more political in my old age, more concerned about the state of the world, and more worried that there may be nothing I can do to make a…
Touching the Core/Soul/Heart…
Through my CGO Surgeries and Kath Burlinson’s Authentic Artist Collective, I get to experience some extraordinary artists and theatremakers as they venture into the unknown with their power to transform lives. Alongside that Kath and I grab the occasional opportunity…
Forecast Academy – check it out…
“I can’t keep it in…I can’t lock it away…I’ve got to let it out” is the Cat Stevens lyric I heard sung by an artist as part of her rant this morning, using performance, movement and music to let out…
What’s The Point….I feel political despair
This morning I took time to read the Arts Council’s 10 year strategy properly. It is an inspiring document, filled with important beliefs about the power of the arts to do good, the importance of community, and the need for…
Sharing Creativity and Gifts
I am blessed by being surrounded by extraordinary creative, skilled and supportive beings. This morning I type this as the Authentic Artist Asylum warms up above a pub in South London. I look on as visual artists, poets, vocal specialists,…
Hearing Praise – and the privilege for arts workers
My book, “Your Life in Theatre”, is going out to reviewers and well connected people at the moment to gain some testimonials, reviews and feedback. The first review came in at 5am on Saturday morning, just as I was ridding…
Returning from No Boundaries
The day after a major arts conference is always one for reflection, especially after listening to 30 speakers variously presenting in York, Bristol, New York and from beyond the grave. An extraordinary technical and creative achievement by Clare Reddington and…